NACOSA accredited to International AIDS Alliance


As an accredited linking organisation NACOSA has demonstrated strong governance and organisational management. It adheres to the highest quality good practice programming standards. NACOSA has demonstrated specialist expertise in the areas of Integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health and rights and Family-centred HIV programming for children to target the HIV/AIDS response in South Africa.

In October 2015 a peer-review assessment team consisting of three colleagues from Botswana, Tanzania and the UK, spent three days with NACOSA interviewing both internal and external stakeholders in order to rigorously assess their work against the 9 principles and 38 standards in the guidance. Success in meeting these standards ensures a shared vision and values across Alliance membership organisations.

Warren Buckingham III, Acting Chair of the Alliance Accreditation Committee praised NACOSA for being a strong organisation that is highly strategic and relevant to the HIV response in South Africa. The Accreditation Committee unanimously approved the accreditation of NACOSA and commended their commitment to the Alliance.

Dr. Maureen Van Wyk, Executive Director of NACOSA said:

We are thrilled to be part of the Alliance family and proud that NACOSA has met the high accreditation standards set by the Alliance. As a network of civil society organizations, NACOSA is firmly committed to the collaboration and shared learning that are central to our relationship with Alliance. We look forward to working with Alliance colleagues and our fellow Linking Organisations to turn the tide on HIV and AIDS in southern Africa.

The accreditation system has proved to be an effective way to strengthen and build both organisational and technical capacity in quality HIV programmes, and to ensure that the meaningful involvement of people living with HIV and other marginalised groups, along with gender equality, are central to linking organisations’ work. The accreditation certificate is valid for 4 years. NACOSA will undergo the process again in 2021.

The International HIV/AIDS Alliance is a unique alliance of national civil society organisations dedicated to ending AIDS through community action. The Alliance works on HIV, health and human rights through local, national and global action with communities in over 40 countries on four continents.

Championing Men’s Health

In communities across South Africa, NACOSA is working to engage adolescent boys and young men in vital conversations about health, mental well-being, and social issues. Through these engagements, NACOSA tackles

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