Our Partners

We work with a wide range of partners across civil society,
government, business and the international donor community.

  • Principal Recipient for the Global Fund, since 2010 and an implementing partner for USAID and PEPFAR since 2014.
  • Working with the Departments of Health, Basic Education and Social Development and the National Prosecuting Authority nationally, provincially and locally.
  • Implementing projects with business, outcomes-based funders and corporate social investment programmes.
  •  Sharing knowledge with global organisations like Frontline AIDS and No Means No Worldwide.
  • Working closely with the South African National AIDS Council and other Civil Society principal recipients and sectors.
  • Collaborating with academic and research institutions like UWC’s School of Public Health and the South African Medical Research Council.
  • Networking with community organisations, structures and movements and the implementing partners we work with to deliver services to key and vulnerable populations.

Invest in our future by supporting NACOSA

Our partners in health leadership help us strengthen the community response to HIV, AIDS, TB and GBV for a sustainable future. You can help build community health systems and improve the health and wellbeing of people:

  • Become a partner in sustainable health leadership by contributing to NACOSA’s endowment fund.
  • Use NACOSA Learning and Grant Management services and gain supplier development and skills development B-BBEE scorecard points, while also contributing to the sustainability of the AIDS response.
  • Fund our programmes and services in communities.
  • Get behind our advocacy campaigns to raise the voices of communities in the response.