Health is essential for a life of dignity and is one of the foundational promises of South Africa’s Constitution. What became increasingly evident as the AIDS, TB and Covid-19 pandemics unfolded is the critical role of community health systems in ensuring accessible healthcare for those most affected. Our annual report for 2023 reflects NACOSA’s belief that strong, empowered and transformed community systems and organisations are central to any progress we hope to make in building a healthy and safe country for all. The report is dedicated to the power of community and tells the story of our work through the people, communities and organisations we have had the privilege of working with.
I am humbled by the stories reflected in this report. All these stories, from adolescents and young people, people who use drugs, survivors of gender-based violence, people living with HIV and those with TB, carry a message of hope. – Dr Pren Naidoo, Nacosa Chairperson
By listening to and learning from communities and amplifying the voices of those most affected, NACOSA strives to harness the power of community to build a sustainable response to HIV and AIDS, TB and gender-based violence.