16 Actions for 16 Days


16-days-leaderThe 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children is an international awareness-raising campaign. It takes place every year from 25 November (International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women) to 10 December (International Human Rights Day). The period includes Universal Children’s Day and World AIDS Day.

We shared a positive action a day to stop violence against women and girls. 16 actions for the 16 Days of Activism that anyone can take – it’s in our hands to stop the violence.

1-be-aware#1 Become aware

Understand violence against women and children. What is it? What drives it? What are the consequences and impact of gender based violence in communities? How can it be stopped?

2-find-local-services#2 Find and use local services

Thuthuzela Care Centres are specialist units for victims of sexual violence. Counselling and practical support is provided by specially trained NGOs. Services like these are vital for assault survivors – they are free and open to anyone. Find your local TCC and share this information with friends and family:

Thuthuzela Care Centres >

3-raise-funds#3 Donate or raise funds

Donate to or raise funds for organisations that support survivors of gender based violence. They provide critical services and desperately need our support. Every donation makes a difference. If you can’t donate, help them raise funds. Check out:

Fundraise for organisations >

4-advocate-for-funding#4 Advocate for more funding

In South Africa and around the world rape and domestic violence services are chronically under-funded and struggling to keep their doors open. Join the Shukumisa Campaign or write to your member of parliament or  your local government representative. If we all consistently demand action, things will change.

5-read-and-share#5 Read and share

Read and share the You & Rape booklet by Rape Crisis on what to do if you or someone you know has been raped. This is important information and covers everything from reporting to the police to getting treatment at the hospital. It could save a life and ensure perpetrators face justice.

You and Rape >

6-support-your-local-shelter#6 Support your local shelter

Shelters for victims of domestic violence help abused women and children get back on their feet. Without safe places to go, women cannot escape violent relationships. Shelters need help with basics like electricity, food, toiletries and clothes. They are a vital lifeline for victims of domestic and intimate partner violence.

Find your local shelter >

7-recognise-the-connection#7 Recognise the HIV/AIDS connection

Violence against women – especially intimate partner violence – is a major driver of AIDS. Women exposed to intimate partner violence are 50% more likely to acquire HIV than those not exposed On #WorldAIDSDay, find out how ending the violence will save lives and end AIDS.

HIV and Rape >

8-counsel-survivors#8 Counsel survivors

Find out what it takes to become a trauma counsellor for rape survivors:

Guidelines for Support to Rape Survivors > 

NGOs provide vital support to rape survivors through amazing people who are specially trained to guide victims through the system. Do you have what it takes?

Volunteer at Rape Crisis >

9-add-your-voice#9 Add your voice to a campaign

Join the Stop Gender Violence or Shukumisa campaigns in demanding action on sexual violence in South Africa. Many voices make change and together we can pressure government to put a funded plan in place to address gender based violence.

10-be-vigilant-and-speak-out#10 Be vigilant and speak out against child abuse

Children and young people are often victims of violence, perpetuating damaging cycles of abuse. Report all forms of violence and abuse of children and young people and get them support they need to recover. End the cycle.

11-be-a-young-voice#11 Be a young voice speaking out

One thousand young people from across Cape Town, will be participating in the inaugural Orange The World Youth Summit at The Castle of Good Hope on December 10th organised by UN Women. The summit is a chance for young people to have their voices heard on gender-based violence.

Orange the World >

12-action-for-sex-workers#12  Support action for sex workers

Sex workers are more at risk for gender based violence but find it much harder to access justice. If they report rape, they risk arrest and further abuse. Female sex workers are 18 times more likely to be murdered than other women. Support NACOSA partner, SWEAT‘s work advocating for sex workers across the country through the Sisonke Sex Worker Movement.


13-be-a-man-who-can#13 Be a man who can

Men and boys can be powerful advocates for gender equality & stopping violence against women. Get involved in Sonke Gender Justice’s One Man Can campaign and help mobilise the positive power of men and boys.

One Man Can Toolkit >

14-raise-a-non-violent-generation# 14 Help raise a non-violent generation

Talk to your children. Help them stand up for themselves and others. Teach them that violence is never ok. Model non-violence yourself and  help them resolve conflict peacefully. This means finding ways to discipline children without resorting to smacking or other physical forms of punishment. Get support on positive parenting here:

The Parent Centre >

15-say-no-to-rape-culture#15 Challenge rape culture

Rape culture blames the victim, blurs the lines & prevents reporting. Rape is the rapist’s fault, not the victim’s and sex without consent is always rape.

#16 If you see it, hear it, experience it, do it – stop it

Don’t feel powerless in the face of gender violence. It is in our hands to do something about violence against women and girls. Call the Stop Gender Violence helpline: 0800-150-150 or Childline 08000 55 555

MYTH-BUSTING: There are many myths and inaccuracies on gender violence in South Africa. Get the facts on rape from Africa Check >


Championing Men’s Health

In communities across South Africa, NACOSA is working to engage adolescent boys and young men in vital conversations about health, mental well-being, and social issues. Through these engagements, NACOSA tackles

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